FairTrade label and practices
Posted on Monday, April 11, 2011
Fairtrade International (FI) basically “offers producers a better deal and improved terms of trade”. It thus guarantees the shoppers (in supermarkets…) that the farmers/producers are given the opportunity to “improve their life” (getting out of poverty by giving them a “fair price”).

As an independent non-profit organization FI licenses the use of the Fairtrade Mark on the products. They make sure these products match a certain amount of standards (social, economic and environmental).

The products concerned include tea, cotton, rice, wine, pineapples, flowers, nuts, ice-cream, chocolate, fruit juice, biscuits, dried fruit, cereals, honey…but the most popular are coffee & bananas

Today it is probably one of the most well-known labels in Europe in that matter.

So in short - why is FairTrade better?

1.Fairtrade farmers receive a fair price for their products.
2.Fairtrade farmers are given a ‘premium price’ to spend in their community.
3.Fairtrade farmers care for the environment and make sure that all their workers are treated fairly and safely.

Key Facts;
“The sales of Fairtrade certified products grew 15% between 2008-2009. In 2008, Fairtrade certified sales amounted to approximately €3.4 billion worldwide.”

“There are now 827 Fairtrade certified producer organizations in 58 producing countries, representing over 1.2 million farmers and workers”

Bellow pictures of several FairTrade certified products:

Sources used: http://www.fairtrade.net


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