Your new product strategy - Go or NoGo Process
Posted on Thursday, January 6, 2011
Foremost, your new product strategy should be addressing these 4 points:

1.What products and services will be offered?
2.Who will be the target customers?
3.How will the products reach those customers?
4.Why will customers prefer your products to those of competitors?

To answer these questions you MUST have a clear understanding of the market and customers (i.e: the orientation of the customers and competitors; the product advantages and ideas, opportunities, etc.).

Second, you must effectively combine your market strategy and your “relationships” inside and outside of your company. This will allow you to develop a new product development process able to select the new products to launch or not to launch (in Asia or anywhere else)…

Why do you need such “new product launch GO or NoGO process”, simply put; you would save lots of time and money. Not only, will it help you guide and focus on what is important to succeed, but it will keep you away from making costly mistakes that could jeopardize your whole project or even company.

We can help you achieve this at DragonGate – If your company does not have the financial or human resources to complete such new product selection process then you should start working with us immediately ( In fact, we will help you find out “Who to serve”, “What to Offer” and “How to deliver it” in the most efficient way and at a low cost.


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