What to know When Investing In Asia - Fact 5
Posted on Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fact 5:

China is not a homogeneous nation-state like Japan or Korea

China can be seen as the Europe of Asia with many different cultures and languages within one country. In other words, China is a highly diverse and heterogeneous continent whose complexity calls for nuanced analyses, diplomatic approaches, or focused business strategies.

There are several ways of approaching China’s vast geographical areas; two of them are the following:

1. Making it straightforward, you can split China into 4 markets: The East, West, North and South which are all different.

2. You can regroup the China’s cities by “Tier”; with “Tier 1” would be: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Qingdao… (totally about 16-20 cities), “Tier 2” would be: Wuxi, Dalian, Wenzhou… (totally about 25 cities) and “Tier 3”: Guilin, Weihai, Sanya, Xuzhou… (totally about 24 cities).

What you need to do first is to define your basic business plan strategies as well as your investment plan. Afterward, you can work on your “new product strategies”. Now you have to remember that in order to get something done in China you will need “TIME”. You will need a lot of time and money. Most small SME’s in Europe lack the money and staff to put the extra effort and succeed in China’s market place.

Now, this is where I would like to introduce our innovative services at “DragonGate”. We can help smaller companies with not a lot of resources to enter most Asian markets.

How do we do it ? Well we simply work in “your shoes”, embed your company’s culture and aspirations, add our local knowledge and experiences and sell your products (current or new). How much does it cost ? Would have to be discussed case by case, but what we can tell you is that all the “smaller” companies we have worked with are 100 % satisfied of our “unique and original” methods.

So, don’t wait and contact us; next week will be talking about the “ChIndia myth”


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